It's funny how friends come and go in your life the one thing I know since coming out as transgender is that some that call themselves your friend can't handle the new you not that you are new.. Really your the same person you have always been the only thing to change is the way you look. It's a pity we live in a world that judges on your looks.
But back to the title once were friends a few weeks ago I was out with a friend we were having a girly talk she was showing interest in my transition and I thought we had a fabulous conversation then a few days later I was attacked via txt by this same person. I was told now was not the right time to do this to think of my children and that I looked like a tacky crossdresser. Obviously this hurt my feeling deeply. I am over 45 and have thought about this for a very long time this was not a easy decision to make but one I need to do. after telling me this I was blocked on Facebook by this person and now no longer consider us friends it hurts to think that a friendship can be broken over such a little thing. The one thing I have to look forward to is all the new friends I will make on this journey Love and good wishes to all.
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Authorjamie thompson first year girl 2015 a journey I have just begun.
March 2019
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